Cable Auctions by Manufacturers

I believe it is customary and courteous, when winning an auction, to pay immediately, usually by Paypal. (Like within an hour or two of winning). Different cable makers seem to have different standards of shipping times. What time lag is "reasonable and acceptable" to receive such cables that have been won and paid for? Opinions please.
In many cases, those manufacturers whom you've won the auction have yet to make the cable. That can take anywhere from several days to a couple weeks. A friend of mine, had this experience recently. His took 2 weeks from auction to delivery. This may or may not be the case with your situation. Followup with phone calls/emails.
I won a Zu Xaus phono cable on e-bay from Zu Cable.
From payment to front porch was 3 days. They shipped Fed-Ex Ground included in price.
All hail and grovel the great Zu the infallable Zu supreme we are not worthy.
In my experience also, Zu Cable turns them around usually in a day, never more than 2 (except weekends).
Yes but how long would it take Zu to turn them around if they were not in stock?