Signal vs. Audio Art vs. Speltz Anti? Need help...

I'm looking to get an interconnect cable (between int. amp and cd player) and speaker wire at a budget. Has anyone compared two or all three of these brands? Has anyone heard anything better at the $100 and under range outside of these brands (that has compared them to any of these brands)?

I'm intentionally not mentioning what my system comprises (partially because I haven't bought the components yet), but mostly because I'm just looking for general comparisons and otehr people's experiences. Also, to circumvent anyone trying to tell me that it's all individual based on my system, I understand that, and for those who want to tell me to audition them first, I just don't have the patience for it. I just want to buy some cables based on general recommendations. If I'm really unhappy with them, I can try and upgrade or switch later on. No offense anyone, just being honest and trying to keep things simple. Any advice would be much appreciated.

Mboldda1- point taken. I may have not given them enough time to make a totally fair judgement.
Mboldal1 is correct about burn in. Cable cookers can be tricky, to little time and the customer has to go thru a lengthy break in period. To much time on the cooker and the cables can sound pretty bad, this will go away but may take quite a few hours. I only cook my Silkworms for 24 hours as I've found this gives them a good start on the break in process, they will sound great right out of the box but the customer still gets to hear the differences as they continue to break in and open up. Silver cables tend to take quite a bit longer for treatment.

I may split the difference with all of you. I use the AA IC-3 and Speltz speaker wires. a nice combination with the strengths of each.
I love the combo of the audio art pc, the ic 3's and Kimber 8TC bi-wired into my B&W 703's and HTM 7. Based on all this info, i love all the components and cables....BAR NONE....lmao

I get a bit carried away, but I have tried so many cables, it gives me sincere Peace of Mind to know i have my system complete and do not need to 'tweak' it anymore.

Hope that clears up my previous post. Cheers :)