Cables Are Crazy, what do you think?

I have been in several arguments with my best friends father on the subject of high end audio components and cables. He is a DR. of physics and mathmatics and always takes the stance that cables just transfer information and should show no effect on sound performance. He does stipulate that depending on the material used can change what information is transfered. He is no audiophile and I have tried to sit him down and show him what does happen when you do use different cables but he never seems to make the time to let me prove to him that different cables have different sounds. I know cable make a huge difference in a system, but does any one know how I can verbalize that to a DR. of physics with more intellegence then it just sounds different with different cables?
What difference does it make TO YOU? Does it invalidate your belief ,or make you look like a fool in his eyes?
If you feel confident, these issues should not matter. If you are worried he thinks less of you because you harbor 'irrational beliefs' then you need to worry about your sense of self, not your cables.
I find that a lot of the desire to 'inform' someone is just to rationalize a position to oneself. If a person is completely confident, the issue is of little consequence as to the opinion of another party.
Just ask him why he would think that two cables with different RCL characteristics (Scientific chatter) WOULD sound the same.

Actually, don't even bother. I've found that those with scientific backgrounds NEED science to tell them what they are experiencing. They will NOT trust their own judgement. There is NOTHING you can do that will EVER change his mind.

It's OK though, because it does take all types to make the world go 'round. The world would be a boring place if we all thought alike.

Why would you start this conversation in the first place?
I assume that it is of very little interest to the other person. You can't explain it. Other person has very limited knowledge in this field. Beside he doesn't get this whole "Audiophile" crap. He just saved big on car insurance.

One turkey also tried to explain its life philosophies -
Well, it was one day before Thanksgiving.
Yes, give up. Why should he take time to validate your point when it is not important to HIM? Most engineers I know who are also audiophiles start out as skeptics, and only come around to the value of cables (if they ever do) when faced with the empirical evidence from their own ears that they can improve the subjective performance of THEIR OWN SYSTEM. Suspension of belief and years and years of formal training and successful application of physical principles requires a significant reward!

The best lay explanations of why cables "improve" sound reproduction has more to do with what they don't allow to happen to the current and signals coursing behind your sound system than what they actually DO or DON'T DO to the SOUND in the absence of complex EM fields, i.e. are they acting as active antennas or passive pipes. With that said, my experience is that silver has a "different" sound signature than copper, but that may be beyond mine or your ability to explain to the good Doctor. I am sure it has something to do with "skin effects", but may also just be that silver wire makes a different kind of antenna than a copper wire???
Ask him whether RF can impact sound performance. If he says "yes," then tell him that certain power cables reduce the amount of RF coming into the system. QED.