Cables that cost more than good loudspeakers

I just thought about it. It's still amazing that the high end comprises cables that retail for as much or more than a good set of loudspeakers. A few I noticed: Purist Audio Anniversary IC $8k, Siltech Compass Lake IC $12k, Tara Labs the Zero IC $13k, and Stealth Audio Dream PC almost $3k. I'm not even bringing up speaker cables. It's really crazy that quality high end speakers can cost less than a little wire. But the people who continue to buy these expensive cables because they can afford them, make these prices a reality in the market. If there weren't any buyers, then there wouldn't be these prices. When I got into this 5 years ago, I had no idea of this high end audiophile world.

My most expensive component will remain my speakers and they retailed for $5500.. Most of my world would say that's amazing and crazy too. I guess I need to drop it. It is what it is.
I hear your point loud and clear! I worked my way up to Stealth Sakra ic's and loved them! Then one day I needed a long cable to integrate my home theatre into my 2 channel system, and bought a Mogami Microphone cable, as it was cheap, and after all it was just for movies! While paying around one night I tried the Mogami in the 2 channel system and was blown was sooo close to my outrageously priced Sakra!

After some investigating I found that Mogami makes a new model, Mogami Gold. I picked up some 2M ic's for my 2 channel system for less than $100, and sold the Sakra. These cables get you 95% of the way there, at 1% of the cost! I have found that more expensive isn't always better! Quite often it is better, but not always! Now I buy and sell high end cables just to have fun, and compare them to my Mogami. After all, if you buy used you can almost recover all your money. So far I have not found any cable worth a huge investment, to replace the Mogami.

It should be mentioned that I do have Bybee SE Golden Goddess ic perhaps they are helping to level the field. Next week I am getting a second Analysis Plus Golden Oval ic, so I will be able to compare a pair of $7500 ic's to a $100 pair of Mogami!!
Foster 9,
It would be very difficult for me to disagree with your sentiments on cable pricing.
Speaker cables and interconnect cables are the last chain in the system. One of the most important part of the audio system.
I totally agree with what Elizabeth stated in her response above. Very well put.

I wish high end cables were less expensive then what they are, but they are not. There are many cables out there that sound great for any price range.

When I purchased my Avalon Radian HC speakers ($12.5k without shipping costs) I ran a pair of MIT 770 speaker interface cables (about $1.7K), I then bought a pair of MIT 850 triad interface speaker cables ($9.5K), they totally chage the sound of the speaker in a very good way. The MIT 850"s were specially designed for the Avalon Radian HC's.

I wish I could have bought them sooner. If I every go to sell my Avalon's the MIT 850's would have to go with them.
I wish the cables cost less, but in my system the price was well worth it.
Joe Nies
I have had many sets of cables you would classify as crazy. I can hear a difference with some of them I aggreee most are way overpriced. But as I stated some sound better than others. Some systems Like silver and almost all of thoes cables are in the multi thousand range.
Everyone's got the right to buy and sell what they want, unless it's illegal stuff obviously. If I had a Bill Gates-esque fortune, I still wouldn't pay that much for any cable. That's just me, and I'll have that right if I ever am fortunate enough to be able to exercise it.

The kitchen analogy mentioned earlier is a very poor one IMO. In the right house, properly investing in it can increase the value of the house in multiples of the cost of a renovation. The same can't be said for any cable.