Do I really want the musicians in my room?

I've spent the last month - as time allows, at least - auditioning some of the popular gold/gold hybrid cables on the market. I noticed something very striking between a couple of the manufacturers: with one set in my system, my system "puts the musicians in my room". With another, the musicians are not in my room, but in the room the recording was made in; that is, I can hear the reverberataions in the studio or the venue. When I listen to the former, I think about how much information is on the source that I'm not hearing; with the latter, I wonder why I've spent ridiculous sums of money to get such resolution. Interestingly, though, my experience has been the "less resolving" "musicians are here" cables tend to have a more lush, seductive sound, while the "higher resolving" cables have a faster, more detailed sound. Which I prefer depends on my mood and the type of music I'm listening to.

Unfortunatly, it seems to me that these conditions are mutually exclusive. You can't have a system with a high degree of resolution and still have that "musicians are in your room" feeling, unless the recording itself allows for that. I don't seem to have many recordings that allow for both, though. Even then, the lushness is missing in the "higher resolving" cables.

Has anyone else struggled with this? If you found a way around this frustration, how did you do it?
My Denon receiver has a button for this, in the room / out of the room. Works every time
Buy a cable switch box and use both => you can switch musicicans in and out of the room at will!

However, move quickly, as this new speaker cable property (in room/out of room) is soon to be patented by Monster Cable. Once this happens then everyone will be aware that said properties are real and exist and you may be limited in choice to licensed cable manufacturers. (As you may be aware, Monster have issued a cease and desist "letter" to Blue Jeans for "design infringement" on certain cable connectors.)

FYI: The USPTO has also granted a patent for an "anti-gravity spaceship". You may want to get into IP Law as you can probably have a lot of amusement and make money too!
You are experienceing IOS, better known as the In Out Syndrome. Cure is easy, go to Home Depot and buy 12 gauge cable. Works all the time. The money saved can be used to up grade from beer to jack daniels.