Silver Plated Copper Balanced Cables

I'm looking for a pair of 1 meter long balanced interconnects that will go between a Lector Tube DAC and Audio Mirror SET Tube amps. Research I've done suggests that a cable with silver plated copper conductors may be the best match. Any suggestions? I'd like to keep the price below about $400 new or used.


- Stew
PS Audio Transcendent Silver and DH Labs Revelation are among the best I've heard. More weight and body.
Another vote for Kool Cables all silver FireFly with silver eichmann RCA connectors - a most amazing cable regardless of price!

Jim Ricketts/tmh audio
I wouldn't worry so much about cable materials as much as how the cables sound within the context of your system and tastes. There are copper cables that sound like silver and vice versa -- it all depends on the implementation.

That said, it sounds like you're looking for the detail and speed of silver but don't want the brightness that comes with some silver designs. I found the VooDoo Ultralinear interconnects to be very good in this regard as they provided a nice combination of tone, speed, and detail without going too far so as to cause excessive brightness or harsh sibilants. I found them to be more tame than the AZ Silver Ref. II in this regard.

The good news is it's pretty easy to try a bunch of interconnects in your system, and given the variability of how interconnects can sound in different systems you should try as many as possible to really find what works best for you. Hope this helps, and best of luck in your search.
Thanks for all the suggestions folks! I must admit I've never heard of some of these cable manufacturers; there are certainly a lot of them!

As I research these, any other suggestions would be welcome.

Thanks much.
04-23-08: Davemitchell
Silver over copper will tend to sound brighter than either pure silver or pure copper.

I agree with Davemitchell here. Though if you are interested Audio Horizons Transparency is a decent, inexpensive silver clad copper wire.

I would look for a pair of used Ridge Street Audio Designs Poiema!!!, as I prefer the sound of ribbon silver to solid core silver. Silversmith is good too, but will cost more than $400.
