Anyone heard the Nordost Odin cables ?

It is truely magic.
Argyro, sorry to again have to say no. I only heard the Odin at the 2009 CES as compared with the Valhallas. Any were positively impressed with the Odins in that comparison, which obviously was the demonstrator's intent, but several of us on leaving the room, said that we preferred the Valhallas.

I did have the Valhallas for some time. I did replace them with the Stealth Indras.

I do think cables sound different and that peoples' tastes are largely what sells some and repels others.
Thanks Tbg. I agree with you, nordost cables do not sound "right" to my ears as well.I used to own Valhalla as well and sold it to buy a much cheaper cable cause it sounded better.

Thanks for info! ;)
i think that Nordost Valhalla does sound 'right'. however; it is not forgiving and is maybe not the answer for everyone. Odin is even more so.

i use to have 6 sets of Valhalla in my system and am down to one set now (on the Rockport -> Allnic) as i use propriitary BNC cables with my dart pre amd amp and my Playback Designs digital. the only other interconnect i use is the 1.5m rca Opus MM2 between my Allnic phono and dart pre and an 8m pair of Audience AU24 XLR between my Studer A820 and dart pre. so i've not done cable comparisons for a few years.

if one's room is not treated then i would agree Nordost is likely not 'right' and the Indra would likely be a better 'fit'. i know that's a generalization but i do notice a pattern of reaction to Nordost and set-up approach. i'm not assigning right and wrong to either way. we all have our own perspectives. and there is more to cable preference than room interaction, but it's a part of it.
Mike I don't mean it is annoying in any way, it just has a distinctive sound!! I think that in a blind test I would be able to spot valhallas, anytime! I want my cables to sound as "nothing" as possible! Anyway, maybe I'm wrong, who knows, only time will tell...I

Happy Listening,
