Gold interconnect comparison help

This is a repeatition from my threat at ac forum. any one tried kci silkworms, gabriel gold revelation, jade vermeil gold, antipodes gold or other gold base interconnect? how do you compare them? which one is better in your opinion and why? i would like to tame by abit bright systems. you can use GG rev as reference as i have one

Not to start war or something, i just need some comparison the cables, as i do not have the pleasure to be able to try cables and have the money back guarantees offers. i live in Asia and shipping the package back and forth would cost fortune. thx
If you get the opportunity you should listen to the Gabriel Raptures they offer a lot more space,depth and air.
05-25-08: Bobf
If you get the opportunity you should listen to the Gabriel Raptures they offer a lot more space,depth and air.

Are you offering Bob? :)
