Gold interconnect comparison help

This is a repeatition from my threat at ac forum. any one tried kci silkworms, gabriel gold revelation, jade vermeil gold, antipodes gold or other gold base interconnect? how do you compare them? which one is better in your opinion and why? i would like to tame by abit bright systems. you can use GG rev as reference as i have one

Not to start war or something, i just need some comparison the cables, as i do not have the pleasure to be able to try cables and have the money back guarantees offers. i live in Asia and shipping the package back and forth would cost fortune. thx
any comments from Revelation MK 2 owners? as the Revelation is no longer current.
It's suppose to be much better and closer to the sound of the Rapture.
Milen from the description posted it sounds to me like the
Gabriel Gold Intuition might be more what you need.
The description makes it sound like it's a little warmed over.The KCI Silkworm is also another good choice.
Louder volume issues sound more like a room problem,have you tried or do you use any room treatment?
Tons of great advice has been given in your thread, the most important being that each system and set of ears is different so what you like another may not and vice versa. Even though I am a builder of one brand I believe all of the cables you mention are fantastic cables built by great vendors and you can't go wrong with any of them. Enjoy your search and most importantly don't let the search get out of hand!

John P.
One thing to keep in mind when comparing these cables. The Antipodes and KCI Silkworm are gold cables while the Gabriel Revelation is an alloy of gold, silver and copper. I believe the Gabriel Rapture also has some platinum added to the mix.
rja-you are correct.The Revelations are a Gold alloy with with silver and copper in the mix and a thick 24k gold plating.
Based on the description of the Revelation MK 2 and Rapture ,I don't think either of them use any copper at all.
rja I stand corrected according to Steve there is still a small amount of copper in the mix with the Gabriel Rapture and Revelation MK 2 but the percentages of Gold and Silver differ plus some platinum is added

You were correct