Gold interconnect comparison help

This is a repeatition from my threat at ac forum. any one tried kci silkworms, gabriel gold revelation, jade vermeil gold, antipodes gold or other gold base interconnect? how do you compare them? which one is better in your opinion and why? i would like to tame by abit bright systems. you can use GG rev as reference as i have one

Not to start war or something, i just need some comparison the cables, as i do not have the pleasure to be able to try cables and have the money back guarantees offers. i live in Asia and shipping the package back and forth would cost fortune. thx
i would like to add to my previous post about my initial impression about gabriel gold revelation ic. i make a wrong claim saying gg is harsh in my systems. i later found out its caused by the quicksilver contact enhancer that i applied to the tubes pins. today i just change the tubes to telefunken 12ax7 with no enhancer, just cleaning the pins with contact cleaner. sound dull at first which then open up very nice after few hours of running. so GG revelation is rave in my system. kuddos to the designer, well done, steve.
Of the gold ICs mentioned, I've only had the KCI Silkworms in my system - 0.5M XLR between DAC and active linestage. Synergy is everything and, unfortunately, completely system-specific. For me, the Silkworms are keepers as the first analog wires in the signal chain. Just the right balance of warmth and detail with Ridge Street Poiemas between linestage and amps and Ridge Street Alethia loudspeaker cables. I've no desire to further experiment with cables.
All you GG owners that talk about burn in time need to let that one go.

I have on trial the Jade H vs. the GG R. (I own )

I have had the GG Rev. MK1 and in no way( even with 10,000 hrs ) does it compare withe the J/H.

The RR/G and J/H are in the same league and they are fun to A/B. My wife has made her decision on which one she prefers.

I have the Rev. MK2 and I will tell you it is many steps up from the first version. I don't know what Steve did to it but it is worth seeking out.

I will keep you posted on my finding with the J/H vs. GG/R.

I will say this that the J/H is a heck of a cable and I am enjoying my time with it.
Let me get this out the way first. John at KCI is one of the nicest people you will deal with in life let alone in our hobby. His "Silkworm" IC is the most natural sounding cable I have ever experianced. Period. I have no experiance with the others mentioned. I have no need to. I'm enjoying music more now than ever and to me that's what it's all about. Peace and Good Listening to all.
glory -- are you saying that the GG Rapture and the Jade Hybrid are in the same league and that the new GG Rev. MK 2
smokes the original Revelation?
Considering the original Revelation is still a giant killer that says a lot for the Rapture,Rev MK 2 and the Jade.
I have GG Raptures in my main system and sold off my 2nd system which includes some GG Revelations(which sold in a day)When I settle in after my move I plan on checking out the Rev.MK 2's.
Could you add any additional info regarding the improvements you found in the MK 2 over the original Revelations