Gold interconnect comparison help

This is a repeatition from my threat at ac forum. any one tried kci silkworms, gabriel gold revelation, jade vermeil gold, antipodes gold or other gold base interconnect? how do you compare them? which one is better in your opinion and why? i would like to tame by abit bright systems. you can use GG rev as reference as i have one

Not to start war or something, i just need some comparison the cables, as i do not have the pleasure to be able to try cables and have the money back guarantees offers. i live in Asia and shipping the package back and forth would cost fortune. thx
just got a pair a Gabriel Gold Intuition interconnects
I was bidding on the Revelation MK 2 but lost out.
The Intuition cables are really nice. My gut feeling leaves me thinking that they are even better than the original Revelation.The Intuition got a big warm stage with all the detail and bass that the Revelation had.member Glory's opinion that the Revelation MK 2 is many steps up from the original Revelation may just be on the money.If the Intuition is this good I have to check out the MK 2's for myself.
I'm just enjoying my first listen with the GG Rapture (thanks Gary), and I agree with Glory completely, it is in an entirely different league than the GG Revelation. By far Steve's best effort to date, and a fabulous cable.

Later this week I will do a A/B between the Rapture and the Hybrid, once I've gotten to know the Rapture a little better.

Wow, the Jade Hybrid is getting respect from a GG owner? I'm shocked! ;-) I'm actually very interested in hearing John's verdict about the Jade Hybrid vs. GG Rapture.



With respect and honor to all those who have found, heard and bought this wonderful sounding cable. From top to bottom it is a world class cable.

The GG Rev. MK1/2 is not in the same leauge as the GG Rapture or Jade Hybrid.

I just got done with a A/B session with the GG Rev. MK2 and the GG Rapture. The Rapture kicks the living snot out of the Rev.2. My friend has the Rev. MK1 and if Steve lets me have the Rev.2 a few more days I will report back on the difference between the two. I would say the Rev.2 is 10% better than the Rev.1. I will report back on these thoughts after I grab the MK1. I still think the Rev. MK2, with it's wider fuller soundstage is a giant killer and should be pursued by all who can find it.

The Rapture is 30% better than the Rev. MK2. It has transformed my system in such a way that it is intoxicating at times. After listening to the Rev.2 and installing the Rapture I threw my notes down and enjoyed the ride.

Thanks Steve (Gabriel Gold) for all your hard work and for your dedication to this hobby. Keep on kicking butt and show those big bad ass cable companies you don't have to charge BIG $$$$$$$ for world class cables.

The J/H was, in my mind,a truly eye/ear opener as it brought out the best in my system. After Jmcgrogan2 gets done with the Rapture we will report back to all those who are interested in our findings on the two cables.

If Jmcgrogan2, in some way, thinks the GG/R sucks than all we GG fans need to allow him to express what he hears and not go into the trip about the break in hours on the Rapture. I have a cable cooker. =8^)

This is a fun hobby and it's members like John that are keeping it that way.

Happy tunes to all,