Audio Magic Power Cords

Ive been so impressed with the recent acquisition of an audio magic power conditioner, its got me thinking about power cords. Anyone have any recent experience with them. Im thinking about a sorcerer but archives dont have much on AM's cords....
I had the Stealth XXX with the latest mods (I can't remember what they are called). I was disappointed. The sound was very compressed no matter what combination of switch positions I tried. I compared it back to back with an ExactPower EP15A and a Richard Gray 1200S. Both were so much cleaner sounding WITHOUT sacrificing sound stage than the Audio Magic. This was a Simaudio W5,P5 system with Von Schweikert VS4.5 and Exemplar 3910 for source.
Mr M- How many hours of burn-in did you allow before critical listening began? The Stealth XXX has to be powered quite a while before it performs well at all.