Redbook Digital Can Sound Great -- On Occassion

Just spun a new CD last week that really impressed me. The CD is Michael Buble, To Be Loved (Reprise 2013). Mr. Buble sings old standards like -- You Make Me Feel So Young, It's A Beautiful Day, Something Stupid, Come Dance With Me, among many others. Sometimes I think it's Frank Sinatra or the other original artists actually singing, but with Mr. Buble's own vocal style. For those who like the old standards, it's a unqualified "Buy" recommendation.

But there's an added surprise. There's a number of threads currently running that speak to the pros and cons of digital, in generally, and redbook CD, in particular. IMO, the recording playback quality of this CD is exemplary (almost as good as vinyl), which I think permits the inference that if the industry did a better recording job in the redbook format, there could still be life in that medium.

So, if anyone has the CD, I'd appreciate hearing your comments. And, if you like the old standards, it's a "Buy" recommendation -- just for the enjoyment of listening to a modern re-do of the music.
It`s pretty simple,if you`re pleased and satisfied with the current state of CA(computer audio) then all`s good for you. Other people have their own perspective and address the situation accordingly.As time passes I believe there`ll be a more standard and uniform approach to setting up a CA sourced system.The sarcasm puzzles me, if you`re happy with your CA front end that`s fine by me.
Okay, it`s hard to tell sometimes when reading text, my error Knghifi.
Whoa there "pardnah" -- I was around when there was only 4 VHF stations (3 (NBC), 6 (ABC), 10 (CBS)) and 4 UHF stations (17, 28, 39 and 48) in my neck of the woods -- Philly. I liked the ole' rabbit ears/metal clothes hanger antennae that were the rage back in the 60s and 70s. Anyone remember Soupy Sales?? Sh*t, I'm old! :-(
I loved Soupy Sales. My mom told me it would make me crazy if I watched him.
My mom was always right.