Interconnects Audience or Analysis Plus

Can someone tell me the differences between Audience AU24 interconnects and Analysis Plus Solo Crystals? I have Thiel CS6s driven by Classe mono blacks.I want new interconnects between my Classe SSP-300 and my Oppo 981.
I use a pair Audience AU24s between my CDP and Preamp with superb results. The two components are a Consonance Reference 2.2 CDP and a AE-3 pre- The pre out to my tube mono block power amps are Cardas Golden Reference ICs. I haven't tried Analysis Oval ICs or any AP cable so I can't offer a comparison.
I would say the Solo's are more detailed and clean and the AU24's more fleshed out (but still with excellent detail).

I preferred the Audience in my system.

Both are great IC's.
Thank you for the replies.I now have a much better sense of the qualities that Audience offers.As for AP,I had tried the AP micro interconnects and AP Oval 9 SC.The micros made a tremendous,startling improvement.The Oval 9 SC did not work in my system and it was through the link to Planet Analog and Enjoy The Music that I am learning why.My current SCs are DIY,made with Audioquest wire, one single straight wire.Once again thanks for all the help,I am still learning about SCs but am now ready to purchase new interconnects