Integrated Owners: I Need an Excellent Power Cord

I have recently gone through some serious power cord trials for one of my other components. Had quite a few power cords in house for auditions and also purchased some. Tried these cords on my Integrated too. (Blue Circle) It seems to me that a power cord for an integrated must address the needs of both the preamplifier and also the amplifier. It's not like buying a power cord for an amplifier and a power cord for a preamplifier. I'm looking for an excellent cord under $1000 used that works well with Integrateds. (top and bottom extension, detailed, refined, dynamic) Looking for something you use or have tried. I already have or had in house: DCCA Reference Master, DCCA Musical Essence 2, Purist Audio Dominus Ferrox C, VH Audio Flavor 4, Synergistic Research Tesla T3, Lessloss, Wergyzn Copper Slam, Audience Powerchord, PS Audio Statement SC, MAC Soundpipe HC. I've been considering Virtual Dynamics, and Fusion Audio but look to add more to the short list. Thanks

Then by all means by the Super Focus from someone else.

I am not selling the Suprem Focus ( I have one ) and it will be a treat to try out on your amp.

I ran it on my Meishu intergrated. The asking price for the two up for sale ( I do not know these members )is a steal.

Just trying to help you out 9.
I'd like to see you try the Dream State Lucid or Silent Source power cords, they're both really good. They're different, so you'd need to see which one you like better.
I highly recommend you give the Kimber PK10 Palladian serious consideration. It is a 10 gauge power cord for the amp side and also sounds great on a preamp. Kimber now makes this power cord in an Ag version with silver wattgate connectors. This brings this power cord to another level up in performance.
The Morrow Audio MAP-2 is a great cord for $179 and put a few well known and much more espensive cords to shame in my system (DCCA Ref One, LessLoss, PS Audio Statement SC). It has a big soundstage and surprisingly good extension at the frequency extremes for such a thin cable. It is also fast and nimble, but not analytical sounding.

I recently upgraded from the Morrow cords to Virtual Dynamics Master series and have been very happy with the results, even bigger soundstage, greater resolution, better extension at the frequency extremes but still musical and easy to listen to. Of course, the VD cords are a lot more $$$.

Just my $.02.
Hey Foster - I would really like to help you out with a recommendation or two, but in order to do that, I would need to know WHAT integrated you are going to use the power cord on. Too many people on this forum have agendas other than trying to help and are merely promoting something whether it will be a good match for you or not.