Integrated Owners: I Need an Excellent Power Cord

I have recently gone through some serious power cord trials for one of my other components. Had quite a few power cords in house for auditions and also purchased some. Tried these cords on my Integrated too. (Blue Circle) It seems to me that a power cord for an integrated must address the needs of both the preamplifier and also the amplifier. It's not like buying a power cord for an amplifier and a power cord for a preamplifier. I'm looking for an excellent cord under $1000 used that works well with Integrateds. (top and bottom extension, detailed, refined, dynamic) Looking for something you use or have tried. I already have or had in house: DCCA Reference Master, DCCA Musical Essence 2, Purist Audio Dominus Ferrox C, VH Audio Flavor 4, Synergistic Research Tesla T3, Lessloss, Wergyzn Copper Slam, Audience Powerchord, PS Audio Statement SC, MAC Soundpipe HC. I've been considering Virtual Dynamics, and Fusion Audio but look to add more to the short list. Thanks
Hey Foster, I suggest that you try some power cords in the system from someone like the Cable Co who has that available, but one power cord that works well with this integrated amp is the Audience PowerChord ( whether the "e" version or not is up for grabs). Another good choice, depending on your taste of course, is the Purist Aqueous Anniversary p/c which gets you both the punch of PAD's ferox shielded cords and the smoothness of their fluid shielded cords. I also have some good results with Blue Circle integrated using JPS Labs Kaptovator. Enjoy!
Have you given Don at DCCA a chance to customize a power cord for you? I honestly think this is the way to go. When I first got a Reference Master to plug my power conditioner into the wall, the sound was bloated and surupy... In a word it was awful. I sent the cord back with an explicit description of what I was hearing and what I wanted to hear. The cord I got back at first was somewhat close to what I was looking for. The cord I got back after a second go-round is so near perfect I have little interest in trying new cords. There's so much variability in everyone's equipment and personal taste, there isn't going to be a cord that's perfect for everyone. Don's customization skills are uncanny... I highly recommend having the patience to let him work his magic!

Purist Audio 20th Anniversary/ Dominus or a Virtual Dynamics. I have Master 2.0 in my Gryphon Diablo integrated which works very well.
At your price range I would not decide without trying an RSAD power chord - maybe the Poiema Signature.

I compared the Shunyata Anaconda Helix Alpha, Python Helix Alpha and an RSAD Alethias Sig (just above the Poiema Sig). The Lessloss is a real value for the money, but the RSAD PC is significantly better on an absolute yardstick.

RSAD gives money back trials I think, and Robert is a pleasure to deal with.