Integrated Owners: I Need an Excellent Power Cord

I have recently gone through some serious power cord trials for one of my other components. Had quite a few power cords in house for auditions and also purchased some. Tried these cords on my Integrated too. (Blue Circle) It seems to me that a power cord for an integrated must address the needs of both the preamplifier and also the amplifier. It's not like buying a power cord for an amplifier and a power cord for a preamplifier. I'm looking for an excellent cord under $1000 used that works well with Integrateds. (top and bottom extension, detailed, refined, dynamic) Looking for something you use or have tried. I already have or had in house: DCCA Reference Master, DCCA Musical Essence 2, Purist Audio Dominus Ferrox C, VH Audio Flavor 4, Synergistic Research Tesla T3, Lessloss, Wergyzn Copper Slam, Audience Powerchord, PS Audio Statement SC, MAC Soundpipe HC. I've been considering Virtual Dynamics, and Fusion Audio but look to add more to the short list. Thanks

Next month at the show in Colorado Lessloss are unveiling a unit called Firewall which removes all the noise and crap from the a/c oullet/substation/power station etc,
I live 50 miles from the lessloss factory and yesterday Louis Mortek brought a protype round for me to hear - it took the music to a new level and I nearly cried when he had to pack it up!!!!!

I can send a pic if you want

Paul, thanks. Liudas (Louis) emailed me about it months ago and said it would retail for around $3,000. AC conditioners (filters) as Liudas calls them, are such a hit and miss proposition in every system. No guarantees with any of them. It's too much for me to spend. Maybe later when some hit the used market I might be interested.
Following up on noelpastor's comment, I use Ridge street Poiema and Alethias on my Viva Solista integrated, both are excellent, the latter a shade better. Certainly better than the very good Audience chord I was using before.
My only complaint, why can't Robert use names I can spell, darn it
I'll add my endorsement of the Ridge Street pcs. Spent the summer auditioning Elrod Sig 2&3, all the Fusion versions, Dream State, TG Audio SLVR, even Nordost Shiva & Brahma. The RSAD Alethias! was the only pc to immediately make such a difference that the system seemed to just disappear and the sense of sitting in front of a live performance emerged. It was striking. Granted, this was not an integrated, but rather for my digital front end (Esoteric X-03se), but it is a pc worth auditioning on any component.