A question about the logic of interconnect cables

This question has always been with me...without a satisfactory answer to date.

Why do we not use the same internal wire ( for interconnects) that manufacturers use which feeds their outputs or inputs internal to their product?? It would seem to me that this wire's quality (regardless of what we use eternally) is a limiting factor in the first place

Example..I have an ARC Tube Preamp and ARC tube amps...why do I need "special " interconnects when in fact, the wire used to feed the output of my XLR preamp output is the same identical wire beyond the xlr input of my amps?

I would appreciate some logic here.....Thanks
To Markphd

Thanks for your response.. Your point about about some high end Mfgs not believing you need any special wire speaks volumes to my point. I have often felt that there should be some some scientific evidence of the benefit of one cable over another.

If one cable sounds different than another..WHY?? or are we in a big time PLACEBO effect here?? Not seeing any reportable documentation on HZ or db differences ( or any other measurements)by any of the high end cable guys suggests to me that the entire market has a credibility problem. Extravagant claims prevail in every magazine I have read.

I have tried Valhalla, NBS and MIT products and in my opinion, NBS sounded better...but this is after I went down the Valhalla expense path.
The question makes a good case for integrated systems, doesn't it??? Or better yet, powered DSP speakers with a digital interconnect to source.
I have yet to see a manuf. offer an exotic power cord with their gear. I mean wouldn't they know what makes their equipment sound best?
So many unanswered questions....
>>I have yet to see a manuf. offer an exotic power cord with their gear. I mean wouldn't they know what makes their equipment sound best?<<

Cables are system dependent. This is indisputable.

Now, for every manufacturer to take the time and test their products with every cable/component permutation is impossible.

Lastly, how would you expect any manufacturer to anticipate every listener's likes/dislikes/preferences?

Hope that helps.
there are two other reasons a smart manufacturer does not offer an after market power card.

1) it would raise the price of the component

2) it might offend other manufacturers.

it is not smart to offer an after market power cord with a preamp or amp designed by another manufacturer.

in the case of a power conditioner, it makes sense for a manufacturer of such a product to sell it with an after market cable of his design, e.g., shunyata and audience.