Hoodoo Gurus suggestion

Always liked this band, but don't have any of their albums. Suggestions on best 2 to start?
Big Hoodoos fan here. My favorites are the first four:

Stoneage Romeos
Mars Needs Guitars
Blow Your Cool
Magnum Cum Louder

They are getting really hard to find on vinyl. I spent awhile trying to find all their LPs. I think I have most of them now.
2d mofi--the first two (stoneage and mars) are classics, the others less essential
Love the Hoodoos!
"Stoneage Romeos" is fun, but "Mars Needs guitars" is their best. "Bittersweet" from the Mars album is a rock and roll classic and a good one to wake up your neighbors. I have all of the Hoodoo releases and actually enjoyed their most recent "Purity of Essence" from last year.I would start with Mars and then maybe one of the greatest hits collections. Perhaps an Austrailian rock band post is in order.
Concur...Mars Needs Guitars is great 60s inspired gargage power pop...other Aussie/NZ acts to consider...the Scientists, Radio Birdman, B-day Party, the Saints, the Clean, the Bats, the Chills, the Church...list goes on...they have a strong history down under!