New Audience Ultra High Resolution Adept Response

Has anyone had some experience with the latest power conditioners from audience. I read from the website that they use aura teflon capacitors and are available for ar6 and ar12 models.
My local dealer has no interest in bringing them in and therefore does not have any information other than what is found on the website.
Hi Dtanclim,
I have a dealer friend that let me borrow an AR6 with the regular caps while I waited for the new unit with the teflon caps. Audience made him break it in for 500 hours before he was allowed to deliver it to me. What I noticed is that the teflon caps improve the resolution or clarity more than the regular unit. I will try to quantify what I mean by stating it this way. If the regular AR6 "moves the bar" by a factor of 10, then the AR6 with the teflon caps moves "the bar" another 30%.
The regular unit is fabulous and should easily satisfy most audiophiles. But, if you are a rabid audiophile like myself then once hearing the teflon unit I can't go back to the regular AR6. I hope this helps.
i own the adept response and have compared it to the t version. i suggest you audition one.

i personally prefer the original. the t version seems to provide more focus and clarity.
I'm late to this, by far, but still...

I have the aR1p and now the aR2p-T (Teflon) version. The difference between the two is extremely significant. The ar1p seems slightly dark and rich, but nonetheless excellent. It does have a slightly "processed" sound (exceedingly minor).
The 2T version is like a direct-to-disc sensation when compared to the 1. Also, instruments seem vastly more "real" in the sense of hearing all the dynamic inflections, carrying it away from "Memorex" and much, much closer to "Live."
In other words, get THIS before you buy any more equipment, and you'll be able hear - nearly instantly -what any gear you're auditioning sounds like. In other words, (all?)distortions being gone, the contributions of all your gear is revealed to you.
This is a killer piece of equipment. The last time I heard something that made look at it/them twice with mouth agog was the Hurricane amps. This Audience piece? It brings REALITY into your system. a $30,000 speaker upgrade MIGHT do this, too, but if I can get a $30,000 upgrade for $1600, I'll take the latter. The Audience Teflon units can do that. I tried the aR2p, the non-Teflon unit ($695) as well, by the way. NO CONTEST. Like....NONE.NADA.ZILCH.NOT EVEN REMOTELY CLOSE.
Oh, and did I mentioned that I've had mine for less than 96 hours and it's still breaking in, and the 500 hour mark is when, supposedly, it's all done?!?!? Although, I bet at 200 hours, it sounds pretty killer. 400 hours to go and IT SOUNDS LIKE THIS ALREADY?!
I read that Audience has a new power cord for their conditioners as well which is much better than the original.I beleive the price is $2400. for the cord and makes a vast difference.

I have the original adept response. I see you can have the original upgraded to the new version.