Warm copper speaker cables under $500 new

Recent cable experiments have demonstrated two things to me:

1) I like copper better.
2) Unfortunately, while the economy brands are very good, it is possible to do better.

I am now in the market for something that will be warm - not bright in the least - and full, yet detailed. And I do seem to favor solid-core wire (single or more than one, individually wrapped) to stranded.

Any suggestions?
cardas is not warm, period !. i have owned golden cross, golden hex 5 c, hexlink, twin link, and quad link.

i doubt you will find any warm commercially available cable. manufacturers are afraid that customers will object to any loss of "information".
07-24-08: Mrtennis
cardas is not warm, period

Now, to you Cardas Golden Cross may not be warm, but based on your long,
unsuccessful search for rolled-off, treble-reduced CD players, amplifiers and
speakers, I would question the applicability of your opinion as a baseline for
the majority of Audiogon members.

However, your opinion may be just the ticket for the OP, yet you offered no
suggestions or alternatives, so of what value is your contribution?

Having read your submissions over the years, I believe it's safe to say that
your definition of warm as it applies to audio is off the scale compared to
how most readers would define warm if they heard the same cabling in the
same system.

No question about it based on your posts.

I'm sure you agree.
I would suggest ( since I have used them ) the Ridge Street Audios " Midnight Silver " edition of cables ..I used them myself and liked them very much..I realize they are not copper but you would never know once you have heard them...Also should be in your price range and have a return policy..........
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