Anyone else tried the Acoustic Systems Liveline?

A pair of Franck Tschang's tuned interconnects (see Six Moons reviews) are still breaking in, in my system, but they have already "stomped" my Harmonic Technology Magic 2, HT Pro-Silway III+, and Van den Hul Orchid. While I don't have any at present, from memory I'd also say that they handily vanquish the Nordost Valhalla and Kubala-Sosna Emotion interconnects in my system. They are not HiFi spectacular, but are the most musical and least electronic sounding cables I've ever heard. Interestingly, several recording that have always sounded compressed and confused in spots, which I just attributed to the recording, are rendered cleanly for the first time with these cables and no other system changes.
Pani, the resolution of Liveline is incredible and if anything wrong in your system they will not work for you. With higher resolution is very difficult to keep balance, and sometimes you need to make step back in resolution to return balance back.

Ozzy, I think for your system they will work really great!!!
Murataltuev, I have had ICs which were even higher in resolution than the Livelines and those ICs sang in my system.
I do not want to boast anything about my system, all I can say that it is a very clean sounding system. Reimyo is the source and Symphonic line the Amplifier, ATC are the speakers, cables are very well matched and clean. There is no reason for me to step backwards on the resolution front to get the balance.

I have tried many cables and my basic takeaway is, there are tons of cables out there which play this resolution game by making it sound gritty and really emphasizing the presence region, especially the leading edges and Livelines are no exception to these, except that they do it in a little more acceptable manner. Real instruments dont bite. I have heard cables which give you all the details but not in a manner to chew it but as part of a instrumental tone which really helps you appreciate the instrument. Livelines were more like, it is trying to impress you so hard that at the end you appreciate the system and the cable but not the instrument. It never allowed me to forget my system, thats what I call a electro-mechanical sound. Even today I use the same system (as in electronics and speakers) but when it plays I only appreciate the fact that there is only music in the room, no electronics and no speakers. I hear all the little details and texture but they dont call attention as an individual. If I want I can always dealieanate them and listen to it as an individual.

A simple example of this would be the way music sounds at late nights when the A/C line is cleaner. You hear more detail but it is presented as more music. Going by your argument, if a system is not upto the mark, it should sound worse at nights because of more details !!!

I would still say Liveline is a good cable but needs to be matched well to get more positives and less of its negatives.