
I just replaced the plugs on my power cords with Oyaide. The difference in sound is startling. There is just so much more going on. The dynamics are oh so much more varied, and delicate. I don't get that distortion when I make it louder...it just easily gets louder. Great!!!
I've got a bunch of Black Sand Mark V PC's with Wattgate 330i / 350i terminations and one with the Oyaide 004 series terminations. IMHO, the Black Sand / Oyaide has markedly more sparkle.
I installed a pair of Oyaide Tunami GPX power cords on my amps today. The short story is more clarity and a lower noise floor which has resulted in more apparent volume at a lower setting on the preamp's volume knob.

They seem very transparent (meaning neutral), as I also discovered using Oyaide PA-02 wire for balanced interconnects between my preamp and amplifiers. I'd say there is a definite "house sound" between the two examples of Oyaide products I own. Crisp and clear with excellent tonal balance. Akin to Shunyata in that regard.
How is the Oyaide Tunami GPX wire attached to the C-O46 plugs--solder, crimp, screws? I'm obviously new to DIY, and I couldn't tell from the web site pictures.
My Tunami GPX are factory built, so I have no idea how the plugs are attached, nor does it concern me.
I have a 1.5 m length of Oyaide Tunami I bought from
VH Audio terminated with Oyaide p/c-004 plugs i also purchased there, you can see pics here;


The drop in noise floor was so dramatic I had to adjust my volume setting and panicked I had screwed up the attachment some how causing a drop in volume level somehow,lol.. It was a rather startling and obvious change from the
pre-fabbed stock cable I'd had. Mating it with their R1 may have had something to do with the overall success of the effort but I am very satisfied.