SR Tesla PowerCell or Dedicated Circuits ????

I am really interested in the Synergistic Powercell after enjoying much success with the Tesla Cables.

Presently, I have 3 dedicated circuits.
*One circuit is for all my Video which is plugged into a Hydra 8.
*One circuit for my CD Player and Preamp.
*One Circuit for my Amplifier.

So my question is this.

Can using the SR Powercell with using just one wall outlet while plugging everything into it be better than using the present 3 dedicated circuits ?

My past experience with any conditioner says no.

There is nothing on the SR website.

I have a Pass Labs X350.5 Amp, a Pass Labs XP-10 Preamp and a Cary 306 SACD player.
We are posting more images (very soon) however we just posted new info on the website for the PowerCell and Acoustic ART System. BTW why not just audition a PowerCell and plug EVERYTHING into it- you'll find your answer.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney Lead Designer Synergistic Research Inc.
Ted, Thanks. So far my dealers do not have any to demo.
I should also add that all my power cables, interconnects, and speaker cables are the Tesla cables.
Ozzy, Here is a recent review of the Powercell. I may audition one in the up coming months...

Let us know if you get one and what you find.

Thanks, Joe