What current Syn. Research ICs are equivalent to

the original VD master series performance wise?
The PAD are very good, and the Purist Anniversary are the best in that line however, $$$.
Personally, I would take the upper SR before the upper PAD.

On starting out at the lower end of the cable spectrum to save money. It really depends on your equipment you have now or will have.
If you are like me, you will be constantly upgrading the cables until you get to the top of the SR line. In the end you will have spent more money.

I say buy one set of SR cables first, probably the interconnect to be used between CD player and Preamp.
Buy the best you can handle (Apex,or Precision Ref,$$$), then gradually keep adding cables.

Eventually, you may find some used SR cables on Audiogon and that will keep the cost down.

I know we all say this but if you can borrow some SR cables in the different ranges that would help.

Some say the cable company is a good source to try cables, I have not had much luck with them however.
I can pretty much echo Ozzy's experience with VD cabling. I had an all VD system w/Genesis and Revelation cabling/pcs, etc. System had lots of energy, but I felt something was missing. I tried a few SR cables and was hooked. I was also very fortunate in that I could get into the top of the SR line at the time with very little out of pocket after selling the VDs on Agon. I also tried Stealth and PAD before I got to the SRs.

The sound I now have is more organic, layered and realistic than I found with VD or any other cables I've tried. I knew I had a pretty resolving system, and now I can really hear the music as never before. A word of advice - there really is a "synergy" with these cables - the more you have, the happier you will be.

I would suggest finding a good dealer of SRs and working with them. It will save you lots of brain damage as well as a few bucks by minimizing purchase errors and easily being able to start you in the right place along the Synergistic line. If you'd like to PM me, I'll be happy to refer such a person who has both impressed and helped me tremendously.