Power cable for Cary front end ?

Anyone have good experiences with power cable match up for Cary Pre (tube) and Cary cdp...?
Budget is pretty flexible. I'd prefer to buy used, just way more leverage our of one's dollar that way and you can't beat the prices in this bear market.

I'm running Nordost Heimdall cables for ICs and Speaks.

The TelWire has some great reviews....
You will get alot of recommendations here. My suggestion is search the archives and on Audio Asylum. Then decide on how much you want to spend? Goodluck because there are lots of good choices like Shunyata Taipan Helix VX, Python VX, AirSine, etc... Goodluck :)
Have any of you guys a/b these cords with the more "mainstream" brands like Nordost, PS, Audience...??
I had an Audience. It is a nice cord but there was something sterile about it in my system. Its not bad at all but just not the sound I wanted. I tried it on my CDP and amp. I liked the Shunyatas better.