Which NORDOST Cables?

I want to outfit my whole system with Nordost, but looking for the most INEXPENSIVE I can get for their line that would provide me with the best bass and dynamics. Any suggestions? Thanks
why must it be Nordost? their are many significantly less expensive alternatives. However, if you want to impress others with how much you spent then Nordost is a good place to go. Other posters are going to ask you what equipment you use. Spending dough on the cabling is the last touch after you get your power system and room acoustics together.
I recently had a Nordost demo case to evaluate (for 6 weeks). It had the blue havens through the Frey's. Personally I did not care for the ic's at all and the power cables at best were OK in my system. I currently have fusion audio ic's and power cords. Now for speaker cables. I would have to say they all sounded good but if I make a short summary starting with the blue haven they were the brightest (not harsh) of all the cables I demoed. As you move up the line I found a little more detail and air between the vocals and instruments. I also noticed an improved decay as I moved up the line. I noticed very little improvement in the bass or dynamics through the line. At the same time I also demoed the jps superconductor3. I felt the jps had better dynamics and bass EXCEPT for the very lowest of bass notes. I my opinion the jps distorted the bass slightly but only in the lowest of bass notes. I did buy the frey's.

Some will say (with my first initial reaction I agree) that Nordost cables sound 'thin'. But the added 'air' and tonal neutrality is why I chose the Frey's. Now I mostly listen to jazz and rock and to me I found the Frey's more to my liking. With heavy metal and hard rock I prefered the jps.

So before plunging into the Nordost line try to get some demo cables and see if they are a good match for your system with the type of music you listen to the most.
Concur, it's a strange question. Why is the OP fixated on Nordost? What's the system, budget, etc.?
Don't box yourself in with Nordost. They can be very sterile with some systems. However, if you are so fixated, go to thier web site which will give you all of their hype on each cable.
I'll answer the question. I like the Norse line and think the Heimdall is at a nice level because it comes with the WBT nextgen (Baldur does not) and has twice as many more conductors as Baldur. Heimdall is about $200 more for a 1 meter interconnect. I think nextgens make a big improvement. Despite what folks think the Norse line is not thin, bright, cold or whatever is said. If they do then the system sounds that way. I know that these cables need break in and suggest you purchase from a Nordost Vidar dealer who can cook them. You will be rewarded with a very open, transparent, tonally balanced and natural sound. As you move up the line you get more. Frey is another destination (another $200 over Heimdall). Tyr is a big price jump