Powercords for Canary Monoblock Preamplifiers

OK gang. Thus far, you have never let me down. I need a recommendation on powercords that can be purchased (two of them) for under 500 dollars. I just laid down some heavy change for Canary monoblack CA-160 tube monoblock amplifiers and the Canary monblock tubed 903 preamplifier. I am looking for any recommendations regarding the best powercable for the money at this price point. I have some Morrow Audio powercables in another system that I like. I also have some LAT international powercables in a system but their prices have just gone up too much for me.

So I need some help here. The powercables will either be plugged into a Balanced Power Technologies power conditioner or directly into high quality audio outlets.

I am thoroughly disguisted at the cost of powercables; I know I won't get state of the art performance but I want the best I can get for the money. I am a realist.....
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Sidssp - I have not run stock power cords on anything because, big surprise, I am looking for better performance.

I haven't bought any in a while; last time was when Lessloss had a sale for about $299. I have sticker shock looking at the prices now.

Clio09 and Thorman, thanks for your suggestions. I will look into them.
Just an additional note. The Tel Wire I recommended works best on preamp and source components. There is have a High Current version for amps that is another $100 in cost. The Flavor 4 and Tunami GPX would work well on all components.
I own CA-339's for awhile. Tremendous amps.
Buy some Volex cords. They work just great.
Don't waste your money.
I used to have all sorts of power cords but for the past 10 years, I have been using only stocked simply because I honestly couldn't hear any difference. Perhaps my system isn't resolve enough or isn't sensitive to power cords, or my old ears aren't as golden as they used to be. In any case, I sold most of my power cords and used that money to fund other upgrades and buy more LPs - a far more rewarding investment IMHO.