Suggestions for a PC on my PS Audio Duet

I have a ATI multi channel amp that I plug directly into a dedicated 20 amp service. I have a Jolida 100 cdp (tubes), ADA prosessor, pioneer Blu-ray that are connected to my PS Audio Duet. What would the people of this forum suggest as a reasonably priced PC. Also any suggestions on a PC on my ATI multi channel which is plugged into an PS Audio Soloist. I listen to jazz on mostly 2 channel. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
use the same brand...the company is coming out with a full line replacement and you can pickup the soon to be discontinued lineup at greatly reduced prices, new or used.
I've tried several power cords on my Quintet.
Got the most musical results from a DCCA Musical Essence.
Not sure if they're still made. But, I got mine on the 'gon for around $200, I think.
PS Audio cords were too dark any muddy for it.
Of course, YMMV. It depends on what's plugged into it.