Has Anyone Criticized The Choice Of Your Cables?

Has anyone, either a dealer or an experienced friend come over to your place and provide some constructive(or negative) critism to the choice of cables in your system? If yes, how would you deal with it? Recently I have a guy who came over and he was pretty vocal on the cables in my system. Although the choice of words were quite unpleasant, I just brushed him off in a friendly manner since I am an open-minded person. I was just wondering how one would react in these kind of situations.
I seemingly erred in assuming this "critic" was a good friend of yours. Nonetheless, he still could have responded in a more decent tone.
I also looked at your system, and your cables are indeed rubbish.

Just kidding.

IMO, someone visiting for a listen should keep their opinions to themselves unless they have a tactful way of suggesting an alternative that might be worth considering.

I recently had a well known manufacturer visit. He looked at the system, and I'm sure he had many thoughts running through his head. He politely listened and offered a couple of tweaks, which he brought along, and which made an audible improvement.

I was impressed by his tact and by his manner. From my experience, he is unique in that regard.
You really have to be the judge.
Having played around with IC's just last night for about 4 hours and a couple different power cords.
I had some IC's a friend sent me,put them in,kind of mucked things up with no soundstage.
Put another pair in that I purchased at my local electronics store,nice warm cable,fat bottom end but soundstage wonderfully.
Had some Hudson Audio 6,9's pure silver cables that I picked up from Tom during a show and although very clean did not care for what they did on top in my system.
Tried my DIY cables that definetly had the instrument timbre correct but lost a little focus in the soundstage.
Tried my DIY power cable on the phono stage in place of a Cardas Golden Cross cord and like what I heard there as the Cardas cord seemed to prohibit the music from coming thru with the clarity that I like.
Ended up putting the DIY powercord on my new Transition Audio Design Tom Tutay tube preamp and loved the resolution there.
I guess my point would be, try all that you have on different components,mix and match if need be to what you like to hear out of your system and forget what anybody else thinks. Do the work and time that it takes to optimize what you want out of your system and go with it.
Everybody is a critic if asked but knowing for yourself that this is what I like takes away the bite of anothers critic.
Nice system by the way!