Has Anyone Criticized The Choice Of Your Cables?

Has anyone, either a dealer or an experienced friend come over to your place and provide some constructive(or negative) critism to the choice of cables in your system? If yes, how would you deal with it? Recently I have a guy who came over and he was pretty vocal on the cables in my system. Although the choice of words were quite unpleasant, I just brushed him off in a friendly manner since I am an open-minded person. I was just wondering how one would react in these kind of situations.
I think in general the person is a clod even if he was 'well meaning'. Some people like to pontificate and miss the possible offense they cause...
Did you ask for the opinion? If so you got one and may do with it as you please.

If not, then he is a not a polite guest and may well be an a**hole.
You're an open minded person, right? For yourself, ask the person what they'd suggest, call The Cable Company and borrow them. If you like them better then you've gained a lot.
My cables get criticized all the time by people who have not heard my system. Nothing but Gold or Silver will do for some people. Ordiniary wires seem ok to my tin ears though