Good USED Speaker Cable Choices for $300-$500 ?

With SO MANY Cables out there where do you start?

I am looking to create a warm "Brit" sound that is
polite yet rises to the occasion with punch when
called upon. Maybe a little rounded on the details
in favor of musicality and general warmth. (to me
warmth is the same as saying slightly dark)

My suspects for good (USED) 5-6 foot speaker cables are:

Analysis Plus Oval 9
Purist Audio Aqueous

What seems to be the best bang for the buck Speaker
Cables out there USED in the $300-$500 price range
which might promote the kind of sound characteristics
I describe??


You traded $2000 dollar cables from Purist and Cardas to
buy $275 cables? Do tell... This sounds remarkable that
a small-time shop would have the engineering budget to
topple $2000 cables for such a small price..
I did, Tom92602, and it was not a difficult decision.

You can try the Straley cables yourself with a home trial.
Save yourself some money, Anti-cables are as good as any out there in the $1500-$2000 range.
I'm another one that traded $2000 speaker cables for something much less costly. In my case it was the Grover Huffman cables which cost me about $300 and come with a trial period.

However, I do not believe these cables would fit your criteria of slightly rounded and warm (slightly dark), but they are musical.