Kubala sosna new Elation cables

I will be very pleased to know if you have heard the news cables from Kubala Sosna, the elation series and how it compares to others great and expensives cables. thanks
I am currently auditioning a set of Elations in my system - speaker cables & 1 set of interconnects. I was figuring that I would say, "Very nice, but no match for the Nordost Valhallas that I have been running for about 3 years," and be done with it.
But it's not going as expected. I am hearing deeper into my music and a cleaner soundstage. The sound is more (and I hate to use the over-worked and relative term) musical. I am still testing, but I expect to be listing my Valhalla stuff soon...
quote: Certainly not as inflexible as my old NBS Omegas

which Omegas ?

could you tell how the K.S. compare to the NBS ?

Been too long (5 years) to give a meaningful comparison. I had the top of the line Omegas (some call it Omega Zero), and I do recall that it was a close call between it and the K-S Emotion. I ultimately felt the midrange and the overall tonal balance of the Emotion was a little more to my taste, more natural sounding, than the Omega. All IMHO, of course; some of my friends who heard the system liked the Omega better. And there was no question that the K-S was a lot easier to deal with, physically, than the NBS. I think the new Elation tends toward the Omega's transparency, but still retains the midrange and tonal balance of the Emotion.
I upgraded from the Emotion line to the Elation line when it was introduced(speaker cables,interconnects,power cords) and was amazed at the improvement over the Emotion. By no means am I critcizing the Emotion line which I still feel is a the best cable there is in it's price class but the Elation is on a different level.