Speaker cable improvements

Is there anything that can be done to "upgrade" my MIT CVT plus Shotgun Terminator cables(which were MIT's reference in about 1994)?
Would I add an extra capacitor or resistor or??
The improvements of todays models are probably mainly in the parts
Leave them as they are, they are still good. If you are tempted to try Anti Cable buy some used. You could have had mine at half price. Or just buy some Magnet wire. It is 50 cents a foot and is very close if not identical to you know what.
Btstrg, you didn't answer his question either!! Are you the audiogon poster police? My response and the others implies that he change cables. Now, it's your turn to offer an improvement to Psacanli.
Psacanli, I wouldn't attempt to upgrade your cables - besides I can't imagine how that would work without changing the networks out completely. I think the newer MIT's are more revealing but don't have the texture like the older models like yours - at least in my system.
These anti cable promotors are... shall we say tacky..
or tasteless... or ...any ideas???
Has anyone used the bybee units that go between the speaker cable and the speakers? Comments?