Who has dumped the power conditioner?

I recently replaced my mains conditioner, with a high quality power strip.(Oyaide MG).

The sound is now more detailed, dynamics I didn't know I was missing are back, and air and separation have all improved.
I am interested if anyone else has gone back to basics?
HI Elizabeth,

If I understand you correctly, it sounds to me that you are connecting your extension cord to a single, isolated, 20 Amp Outlet in the Kitchen.

Wouldn't this technically already be a dedicated outlet? ...and the extension cord is just a great way to use a dedicated outlet in another room?

FWIW, I live in a Condo, and I run an extension cord (to another electrical circuit zone on the other side of the same room), to a non-dedicated outlet to which I connect my Digital Sources and then my Amps and Preamp are plugged into a different zoned outlet in the same room, and I have noticed an improvement by using different outlets connected to different zones on the fuse box, to split up digital and analog gear. I discovered this more out of necessity, but it still sounds better.

I have 2 20 amp dedicated circuits in my reference demo system and found the best solution was to plug the amp into the wall and everything else runs through my MIT Z-powerbar with the digital and video isolated from each other.
I think 2 other issues to consider are how dirty your current power is, and what quality of gear (amp and such) you currently use.

I don't have high end gear (NAD t753 surround, and NAD c372). In my main system (NAD t753), I have two conditioners in use in the one system. One is Richard Gray 400, the other PS Audio Quintet. I have removed both from the system, and only one at a time as well, and always run back to having them back in my system. Installed the PS Audio Duet with my NAD C372, and it sounds much nicer now too.

Yes, they do "color" the sound, but so does any change to interconnect, amp, speaker, etc. All add their own "color" or signature sound. The question is, do you like the change? I'll read the specs and the theory, but I know what my ears like. I'm not a purist. I'll try any reasonable change, as long as I have the option to return the equipment to the dealer. I am lucky that a local dealer allows that. Just test drove 3 sets of speaker cables over the last 3 weeks, and then picked one. This with no cost up front.
I had my electrician install three 15' runs of JPS Labs In-wall cable from three separate 20amp circuits in my main panel through my living room floor and terminated with high quality Furutech IEC connectors - essentially three DIY power cords wired into the panel. One for each amp and one for an Equitech Q650 which balances the power to my front end components in the rack. No need for outlets. The drop in the noise floor was dramatic. Pictures and a better description can be found on my virtual system page.
Prosoundman needs to disclose his financial interest with Silver Circle when posting such a glowing recommendation.

To not is completely unprofessional and unethical.