Who has dumped the power conditioner?

I recently replaced my mains conditioner, with a high quality power strip.(Oyaide MG).

The sound is now more detailed, dynamics I didn't know I was missing are back, and air and separation have all improved.
I am interested if anyone else has gone back to basics?
I had my electrician install three 15' runs of JPS Labs In-wall cable from three separate 20amp circuits in my main panel through my living room floor and terminated with high quality Furutech IEC connectors - essentially three DIY power cords wired into the panel. One for each amp and one for an Equitech Q650 which balances the power to my front end components in the rack. No need for outlets. The drop in the noise floor was dramatic. Pictures and a better description can be found on my virtual system page.
Prosoundman needs to disclose his financial interest with Silver Circle when posting such a glowing recommendation.

To not is completely unprofessional and unethical.

Since when is it unprofessional or unethical to speak the truth?
Based on my personal experience, The Silver Circle Audio pure power one 5.0
outperforms every other power conditioner I have experienced whether it be at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest or the local hi-end audio store.
This conditioner scrubs the AC as clean as any I have heard while delivering
more energy when the music calls for it.
It just makes my music sound better. Much better. This is probably why no one has returned the pp1 5.0 after an audition. I know it's why I approached Silver Circle Audio to be their rep here in Canada.
>>08-03-09: Prosoundman
Since when is it unprofessional or unethical to speak the truth?<<

It's your opinion not the "truth".

Now to the issue as you clearly misunderstood my comments.

Recommending a product without disclosing you have a financial interest is unprofessional and unethical.
It seems to me that your assertion that Prosoundman's opinion is "not the truth" is simply your "opinion" since you apparently know nothing about the power conditioner being discussed. Or do you know something of it? If you have opposing views I for one would be very interested to know what they are. After all, aren't we all here trying to learn more about this hobby of ours?

But I have to admit that it seems odd to me that as a dealer yourself, your only interest in this thread seems to be attacking Prosoundman.