Argento cables - any experience?

I'm looking for opinions about Argento products. What's the sonic signature of Serenity speaker cables? What have you compared them with?
04-23-09: Geopolitis
I was the only one that preferred the Argento because the other two guys are deaf!!!

04-23-09: Geopolitis
First of all we all express our personal opinions here.

Yo Geopolitis, what crawled up your skirt????
Heed you own advice & express your opinions *only*! Don't take a pot-shot at somebody else.
Who's to say, YOU might be the deaf person in that listening session???

You prefer Argento over Stealth, so be it. Keep the Argento, enjoy your music. Don't bad-mouth somebody else in an attempt to overturn their opinion. This is a public forum to discuss opinions & not a place where people have same-same opinions.
Calm down, dude!
Don't worry my friend these two guys are my friends!! One of them is Argyro that replied to my previous comments!

Basically I was kidding and was trying to tease him!!!
04-25-09: Geopolitis
Don't worry my friend these two guys are my friends!! One of them is Argyro that replied to my previous comments!

Basically I was kidding and was trying to tease him!!!
Oh, OK! thanx for the clarification - it looked like things were about to spiral out of control w/ some name-calling. Good to see that it's just friends jibbing at each other. :-)
"They pay to buy these products like the rest of us..."
Incidentally Audioexotic forum is a private forum, only exclusive to those who are customers of Audioexotics. Hence one will never find opionions to the contrary of Audioexotics there
Check their login page, no button to even create a new account when I want to post a negative opinion ;-)
I know because I wanted to post in this forum. Unfortunately you must request a username and a password. Does this mean that the customers of the Audioexotics cannot have an opinion about the products they use? Don't you think that the Audiogon users that post their opinions about the products they use are doing exactly the same ? I am sure that if these guys are not happy with the Argento or nay other products they won't post any positive comments about them...