Argento cables - any experience?

I'm looking for opinions about Argento products. What's the sonic signature of Serenity speaker cables? What have you compared them with?
That would be very interesting comparison. Please let us know about your findings...
It seems that Synergistic Research cables are not available in Europe. I have had Valhalla, Townshend, Indra, IsoClean, FIM, and several others that I cannot name in my system and the new Tesla series from SR were clearly better. They are all charged cables. At the last CES a dealer friend and I heard a demonstration of the Odin versus the Valhalla. After we left the demonstration we both said we preferred the Valhalla. But the demonstrator just presumed that everyone preferred the Odins.

I wonder what it is within the Argentos that might lead to them being excellent. They just seem to be high purity 5 nines silver with nice looking RCA and pc plugs.

Certainly at least first off I am going to be using the SR cables on my Tidal Contrivas.
Tbg, SR is distributed in a number of European countries but as you can imagine the Tesla series are very expensive here and there is lots of competition. The real challenge is finding someone who's already tried a good combination of Tesla cables with Tidal speakers and/or amps. You may be the first to go that route and it's bound to be a fascinating one. On a more general note, perhaps it's worthwhile to put the question whether anyone did a comparison with Argento on the widely read Tesla thread?

Btw I use Tricon Analog between my WTB 'table and the Preos to great satisfaction. I also tried a Tesla T2 cord on the Preos and was considering T3 for the Intra but that trial was never conclusive since the MPC was noisy (I've been considering ordering a Galileo MPC for it, but am wary that could turn out to be deficient too. What do you think?)