Let's hear about Elrods new Silver or Gold cables

Let's hear from the people who auditioned or bought Elrods new Silver or Gold cables and tell us what you think.I bought 7 Gold power cords and was totally blown away,anybody else?
hi simon:

could you elaborate on what you believe is the affect of the elrod gold power upon the sound of your stereo system.
Hi Mr.Tennis,It is tough to describe something like this without you haveing heard it but I will try.The gold statement power cords are so coherent and balanced it is incredible,the top end is open and 3d like and the midrange vocals are fleshed out perfectly like a real voice and the instrument timbre is right on,also it has amazing impact in the midrange.As you travel down to the bass it is very defined and seems like it adds another octave to your speaker.The soundstage is spread out and the instuments are surrounded by air and blackness and seem to just hand there with amazing detail and transparency.Thats the best I can do,you really have to put it in your system and experience it,I could talk all day but get one put it in and listen.I was sold I bought 7 of them.
" could you elaborate on what you believe is the affect of the elrod gold power upon the sound of your stereo system"

Hello Mrtennis,

No, I can't. Sorry. Can you describe effect of attending live concert of your favorite orchestra/singer/rapper etc?

If you can then this exactly is the effect of David Elrod Gold and in lessen degree Silver components in my stereo system.

While attening live concert I do note the bass, of course - but by itself it does not matter to me in slightest.

However, time-to-time when I attend live concert I close my eyes and try to imagine that I am visiting friend of mine and I am listening, at this moment, to his stereo system.

I think all reviewers and audio designers ahould do this experiment time-to-time. I note in this "stereo system" three things the most:

1 Its unbelivable dynamic range.

2 Its "almost" total absense of electronic haze and transparencyi.e. like there is nothing beween you and music.

3 Correctness of its tonal timbre "almost" reaching the level of that I have in my aural memory collected over my life span, starting from the age 6 when I started my piano study.

When I hear at home my real system with David Elrod cables and all other my components - I have the feelings closest to the above and I am immensely thankful to David for his G-d given talents.

I don;t believe that I can be clearer then now.

Thank you
I have heard that these cables essentially act as capacitors, and require several days just to reach a steady-state charge. I have little doubt about what people are saying in regards to this cable. David Elrod has made me a believer in power cords.

The thing that is particularly notable is that Strapper211 has a system and prior power cords which were no slouch. And yet, he is still blown away. That doesn't happen too often. It cost some money, but still...

I'd like to try some, but I have other priorities to achieve with my system via speaker cables and external grounding before approaching this.
hi simon:

stereo systems are imperfect. thus components are imperfect. there are many kinds of distortions, including timbral errors.

i have never heard the sound of an orchestra reproduced accurately when listening to a stereo system.

what i conclude from your post is that the use of elrod gold power cords can reduce errors of timbre and create some semblance, perhaps, an illusion of a live performance.