Let's hear about Elrods new Silver or Gold cables

Let's hear from the people who auditioned or bought Elrods new Silver or Gold cables and tell us what you think.I bought 7 Gold power cords and was totally blown away,anybody else?
"what i conclude from your post is that the use of elrod gold power cords can reduce errors of timbre and create some semblance, perhaps, an illusion of a live performance"

Hello Mrtennis,

Its very close to that I think. I believe David cords do not reduce errors of timbre but reduce their negative effects on listening experience.

"illusion of a live performance" is a bit too strong, on my opinion - I don;t know if our grandchildren will have it but what David work does I described once in the article published in EnjoyTheMusic last summer:

"...The exploration of the origin of "listener fatigue" is extremely interesting, at least, for this writer. We believe that when our subconscious mind detects a small unnatural trace of distortion in reproduced acoustic music (which is not recognized yet as a very low level irritant by the analytical part of our brain) it activates a subtle alarm. This forces the listener into the tense or alert mode...."

I think - psyco-acoustically, some qulities of these cables wake up in our subconscious mind the memory of live concert, and if you meant this in "illusion of a live performance" then I agree totally and I am sorry then for being picky on the separate words of yours.

Thank you
Several people have described the cords (or cables) as being better, and sometimes in specific ways; but without saying what they compared them to! Without that information, the comments are not very helpful at all to me (and, I would think, to others too). Specifically, though, I was hoping to read specifics about how the Silver and Gold Series compare to the older Elrod Signature Series.

Rtn1, if you are looking at speaker cables again check out Elrod. The Silver Signature speaker cables really wow'd me. Considering your system you may choose something a little higher in the Elrod speaker cable food chain.

Regarding Elrod cables in general...obviously cables/cords, whether they be power, speaker or interconnects, do not produce sound. What I whole heartedly believe about the Elrod cables is that they allow whatever components/speakers that they are part of to playback at their maximum potential.
"Specifically, though, I was hoping to read specifics about how the Silver and Gold Series compare to the older Elrod Signature Series. Anyone? "

Hello Jfz: A few months ago, my system had old (current at that time) Elrod power cords, speaker cables and interconnects - build years ago.

In my brief review of David Gold Statement Power Cord - which I placed here, at A-gon, Audio Review Section - I compared it to old Statement Elrod Power System. I like new Gold Statement to be much better then old one.

Hope it helps