Good, cheap power cord/interconnect for subwoofer

I just picked up an older Genesis 12" servo-sub with outboard crossover/amp on the cheap(VERY). This is the circular shaped sub with the gloss black finish. I'd like to add it to my 2 channel purist system to occasionally fill in the bottom or add some weight to the upper bass.
I'll be running my speakers full-range, not using the crossover/amp on them.

What I'd like to ask for is some recommendations for both an unbalanced interconnect and a power cord that would bring out the best of the sub. I do want power and weight from the sub but, I also VERY much want articulation and focus. I've recently sold a few cables that would have fit the bill nicely but would be more expensive than I want to spend for this project. So, what would you recommend for no more than $200 for each cable (pc & ic) and even less would be preferable on the used market?
Thanks so much for everyone's time and insight!

Blue Jean cable LC-1 Analog audio RCA cable and PS Audio shielded power cord. Relatively inexpensive and more than adequate for your purposes.
I was using the Kimber "Hero" cable for the subwoofers in my system for a while and liked them a lot. They are very tight sounding with very little bloat.