Good, cheap power cord/interconnect for subwoofer

I just picked up an older Genesis 12" servo-sub with outboard crossover/amp on the cheap(VERY). This is the circular shaped sub with the gloss black finish. I'd like to add it to my 2 channel purist system to occasionally fill in the bottom or add some weight to the upper bass.
I'll be running my speakers full-range, not using the crossover/amp on them.

What I'd like to ask for is some recommendations for both an unbalanced interconnect and a power cord that would bring out the best of the sub. I do want power and weight from the sub but, I also VERY much want articulation and focus. I've recently sold a few cables that would have fit the bill nicely but would be more expensive than I want to spend for this project. So, what would you recommend for no more than $200 for each cable (pc & ic) and even less would be preferable on the used market?
Thanks so much for everyone's time and insight!

by the way if you have a chance to try those PC ,please try them on very equipment,and you see what happen !.enjoy

Just wanted to thank all for your input. I've had the sub in the shop for awhile getting a new surround installed and now have the umbilical at Moon Audio checking out options on upgrading this cable as well. Thanks all!
PNF Audio. Fantastic value for money. I like the PS Audio power cords as well.
I use PS Audio power punch pc's on all my equipment. They add nothing nor take anything away from the sound. The construction is top notch and they look really nice if that matters to you. The price is right at well under $100.00. I can't comment on sub cables because I don't use a sub.
When I indicate sub cables, I'm really talking about regular analog RCA interconnects. The sub's amp/crossover is outboard and uses an umbilical to connect to the subwoofer. I'm having Moon Audio check into upgrading that. I'm just looking for a fairly cheap way of connecting the sub's input to my Droplet's single-ended outputs that offers the best bass for the money. Thanks.