Convert speaker cables to interconnects? ?

Just curious if anyone has ever converted speaker cables to interconnects and if they were pleased with the results? Any reason not to do this?? Thanks, Bill
47 Labs Stratos cable -- same super thin unshielded wire for both speaker and IC's. I have it, sounds great. One benefit is the whole system is connected with the same wire.
Would you expect much from China junk ?

Not sure what or who your comment refers to. 47 Labs is Japanese
Odyssey audio does the same with Gronberg cable. Used in IC's and SC's.

Nordost too with Blue Heaven and Red Dawn. The IC's are half as wide as the SC's. Cut in half basically.
yes - I have used Van den Hul "The Inspiration Hybrid", which is marketed as a speaker cable, as an interconnect, to good effect. But, I did not convert them, as they came from the factory that way