LessLoss DFPC Signature

Has anyone compared the Signature version of these PC's to the original version? Can you describe difference in performance (if there is an audible difference). Thank you.

Ag insider logo xs@2xnglazer
Yes i have! Using the "Original" for about one year now, i was attracted by the generous upgrade routine of Mr. Motek and got me 2 "Signatures". Placing them before 2 power distributors, in order to get the effect spreaded across the rest of cabling, i heard an immediate improvement in background silence and PRAT, fresh out of the bag. I`m not a big fan of describing soundcharacter of anything music with my insufficient vocabulary, but the chance, that you`re not satisfied, if you like the original is small, especially when taking into consideration, that you can get your money back (minus shipping) if they are not to your taste! My advice: If you really want to know for sure, try them out, it`s worth while, at risk are a few dollars for shipping them back-which i doubt you will!
rgds, Gottfried
My first experience with the LessLoss DFPC originals was outstanding. I purchased 5 DFPC and then added a 6th when I purchased the Firewall. The conditioning from the wall outlet through the Firewall to all components was just amazing. The silent backgroung, the deep and wide sound stage, the clarity and definition of voice and instrument, the separation was amazing. After talking to Louis Motek at LessLoss, I replaced the DFPC originals with 6 Signatures. The difference is astounding! What the originals plus the Firewall did before, the Signatures effect is easily twice as good. It is hard to qualify and quantify the difference, but I am extremely pleased with the results and am glad I made the switch. I hope you find this info helpful. Best wishes, Alan
I am a neophyte on Audiogon, but I am compelled to write to help in your decision making process with respect to the DFPC Signature power cords. I have been an audiophile for years and have always selected highly musical gear and about 18 months ago purchased 6 original DFPC from LessLoss. Dealing with Louis Motek was a pleasure, and I live in Victoria, British Columbia in Canada. The initial cords arrived in about 7 days and replaced my Crystal Cable Ultras and immediately took a veil off of all forms of music with a much wider soundstage and a much tighter and deeper base. It took about 1 week for the cables to break in completely. I was at a point I didn't think there was any room for improvement so it was in some trepidation that I considered an upgrade to the Signature DFPC cord, but Louis was extremely generous with his upgrade rebate, and so convincing of the benefit, that I traded all 6 of my Originals for the Signatures, which also arrived within 1 week. They arrived yesterday, and have had less thn 24 hours of break-in but let me tell you the difference in the sound is staggering! I can only say, that the music I thought I knew inside and out has a much deeper soundstage with greater "musicality", sounding more like a live concert which to me is the holy grail of music reproduction. If I had to say, what the single , most profound change in the reproduction of sound through my system has been in the last 10 years, I would say this upgrade to the Signature DFPCs is it hands down. MM
Thank you all for the comments. I will now try the Signatures and hope my experience matches yours.


Could you give us feedback about performance of the LessLoss DFPC Signature, in pre-amplifier and power. I have two Originals connecting Transport and DAC, and order two Signature to upgrade. I'm looking for review/opinions about results in pre and power, specially on tubes.BR JBPezzini