Anti-Cabls Ic's alternatives?

I have Anti-cable speaker wire in my system and really like the way it sounds. I'm thinking of also buying the anti-cable ic's to upgrade my Kimber PBJ ( these ic's sound very glaring to me, especially in the vocals).

My only concern is someone mentioned that anti-cable Ic's are unshielded and this can cause problems. Should this be something to worry aboout? I'm not too familiar with the argument of shielded vs non shielded so bare with me.

If someone has a better recommendation based on my sysytem then feel free at your suggestion and how it bested the Anti-Cable

NAD C525BEE > Kimber PBJ> Denon PMA 2000ivr> Anti-Cable> PSB Stratus Mini and PSB Image b25
Tvad...I'm shocked you do not know the answer to this simple question. Let me help...your average size toilet has an opening big enough for someones head to fit in comfortably (dont ask.) BUTT...and thats a big but...if you can manage to pass all the way through to your neck, then anything you hear beyond that point means that the resolution is at the extremes. ESPECIALLY if you flush at the same time. I have this "friend" who did this you see.

Cheers, and best flushings to you.
Reality cables do a nice job for not much money. There is a 20 day trial period for standard lengths that makes this pretty low risk. I sold mine when i moved to ridge street, which are better but much more. good luck
Eldartford and Tvad, you two are very frequent posters and usually impart sound advice. In my case, you are just making fools of yourselves out of ignorance. Anyone who has heard my system would agree with my harsh summation. What I wonder is, who are you two? You are careful not to stick your neck out to acerbic criticisms, like you just handed out to me, by not advertising your own systems. Are you dealers?