Upgrading interconnects, where to start

A generic question on upgrading interconnects - should I start with the CD-player to pre-amp, or pre-amp to power-amp. Which of these two will give me the most sonic differences?
THanks for your insights
My suggestion is to Buy an IC long enough to be used on all your components and than try it on all of them and determine for yourself.
there are many previous posts on this subject and the replys run the gamut, try for yourself!

If you plan on having only one source, start there. If you plan on having several, do the main IC.

either way, it's just a starting point... not a finishing point, right? And you gotta have something somewhere. Well Hell, everywhere.

My own plan is like this.... nice spkr wires, not cheap nothings, so you can hear the changes being made upstream.

Decent IC on main, and source.

Power cables.

Go back to sources or main IC and upgrade there.

Now finally upgrade the spkr wires.

Buy new components and begin again as and where necessary.