Best interconnect for bass only

I have a four speaker system, with one amp running the two bass towers. What I am looking for, would be the "best" ic's to run from the preamp to the bass amp considering the amp and speakers are running bass only. I have had some feedback that a silver ic would be the way to go, as it would be the tightest controled bass. Thoughts!!?
But most importantly Bullot, I/we are not here to disuade you from making a specific decision. You HAVE to try things out for your self. PERIOD. That is how you will help to advise others one day from your own experiences.
Yeah I hear you on the "try it out yourself" theory! However if this thread can narrow things down to a a dozen or so contenders and weed out the other might save me some time and expense! Right now I have an expensive cable on this line to the bass, and there are some ideas on here for cables that are much less costly, so I could start there and see if there is ANY difference between the two on the "sub" and if not, I might focus my attention on something else in the system. It's all learning, and these forums help us all share info. I take in all info knowing we all have different tastes and equipment and hearing, opinions are good to hear as it always opens doors to considerations we didn't have before.
So........any feedback on experiences people have had with a good sub interconnect would be interesting, thanks again folks.
... sub interconnect would be interesting,

I use the Sub-3 from Audioquest and can recommend it.
A point of interest: I just replaced my VRay with a Running Springs Dmitri..........big big difference in the bass. Very much tighter and real. I have tried swapping a Stealth Indra with Gabriel Gold Rapture on the ic to the bass, but that does not seem to make any difference. Not surprising as it makes little difference on the top end with those two as well, they are both soooo good. Next time I'll try swapping out with a very cheap cheap cable and see if the huge difference in cable quality had any impact on the bass sound/quality.