Dedicated lines- need break in?

Surely a, stupid question of the day!
Finally had 2X 20 amp dedicated lines installed with Oyaide outlets with isolated grounds. Hooked up sources and preamp to the lines to start with......, and sound is much clearer and as a result slightly on thinner side (in comparison, although still anything but analytical). I know it is not Oyaide outlets because I had them connected on regular lines and they sounded warmer. (I have electrician coming back today to try out different phase than the refrigerator, ac, microwave etc. to check if the current in phase circuit breaker is not causing the change in sound)

So the question is, in your experience, the new 20 amp lines need to be broken in? How long does it need to be? or what could be the cause?


They will sound good right from the start, but will sweeten after a couple of weeks.

I am going to play Devils advocate and ask. Where in Kirchhoff's circuit laws do you find, after a couple of weeks "the sound will sweeten"?
The laws of physics are extrapolations from reality, not reality itself which is inevitably far more complex than the laws. The laws of mechanics don't predict that Stradivarius violins should sound better than modern violins either but few think they do not.
Finally had 2X 20 amp dedicated lines installed with Oyaide outlets with isolated grounds.
12-29-09 Nilthepill
isolated grounds.?

Do you mean connected to an earth ground other than the main earth ground of the main electrical service?
"The laws of physics are extrapolations from reality, not reality itself which is inevitably far more complex than the laws. The laws of mechanics don't predict that Stradivarius violins should sound better than modern violins either but few think they do not."

Bravo, Stan!

As for naysayer's, have real life experience before playing devils advocate....
As for naysayer's, have real life experience before playing devils advocate....

If I were you then I would not talk so fast. Because if you read what Stan wrote? He said I quote "A FEW THINK THEY DO" Meaning the sound of a Strad compared to a Modern violin how few and how many believe they sound better or just the same? My question is that time again when listener's are chosen to determine the sound of power cords and wire's connecting a System. They fail miserably to tell which is which,and that SIR is a real life experience .