best speaker wire for buck

I am up dating my Home theatre. I am now using the integra 9.9 pre amp, 5 marantz mono blocks for the center and surrounds. I am using the aragon 8008bb for the two front channels.Speakers are going to be paradigm studio monitors 100 latest version.I currently have audio quest type 4 wire for the two fronts and regular 14 guage wire for the rest of the speakers.I guess my question here is what would be the best wire for this setup?Is this good enough or do I need to up grade to get better performance.Is it worth the cost for better wire ? would I notice a big difference. I wonder if someone help me out here.This is not top of the line stuff but its not best buy stuff either.I would like to spend the money where it counts the paradigm are going to cost 3400 dollars them self. I have defenitive bp 2000 speakers now. If anyone has any good advise that would be great. Thanks Bob

At roughly a buck a foot, the Canare 4S11 is pretty decent stuff for HT. it supplies my center and surrounds.

My mains use SR Sig 10 active x2 biwires. I'd like to be able to run all spakers with the Synergistic cable, but it's cost prohibitive, for me anyways.

Each time I've stepped up in cabling with 2ch audio I've noticed improvements. Not as much with HT though. I'd remain a bit more modest in my designs on going all in on pricey speaker wires there.

Instead, I'd suggest doing as I've done. Add something really nice to the mains, and maybe even the center if funds permit... and do as required elsewhere.
I would use blue jeans cable 12 gauge wire. About the same price as home depot 12 gauge (~60 cents/foot) and much nicer build.

Depends on your budget on what you can wind up with. The type4 is a good wire for the money. What length do you need? If 8 footers will work call UsedCable and see what they have in their lending library. You pay shipping but you get wires that are broken in and you can try 2 or 3 at a time so you get a good sampling. Also I think AudioAdvisor allows a 30 day return on standard length.
for the money