C7 Power Cord Comparisons?

Has anybody had experience with more than one of these types of aftermarket cords? I read positive things about all of them over stock cords, but not against other aftermarket cords. The only ones I know of are:

- PS Audio Xstream Power Punch C7
- Audioquest NRG-1, NRG-1.5
- Cardas Twinlink C7
- Furutech G-320Ag-18F8

I can't decide which one to get for my PSX, particularly between the NRG-1 and NRG-1.5. I'll probably throw in a Power Punch to compare as well just because they're so cheap, but it would be nice to know if the Furutech is really worth the extra $$. The Cardas is hard to find.

I'd also like to know if there are other options.
You have two other options. An adapter (C7 to 320IEC) or change out the C7 chassis mount to a reg. IEC. I have one of these adapters if interested. Bill
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Get an adaptor from Voodoo Cable and use your PC of choice, rather than limiting yourself to just the few liasted. I did that on my Wadia iTransport and it makes a huge difference in sound.
